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Posted on 8/17/2017 by Office Manager |
Do you regularly use ice in your drinks, and then chew on a piece when your drink gets low or is gone? If so, then you need to stop.
Adding ice to your drinks is fine, so long as you do not have sensitive teeth. It is the actual chewing on the ice at the end that is the problem. It can do a lot of damage to both your teeth and gums, and the damage is entirely avoidable. It is not worth the risk. Ways Ice Damages Your MouthChewing on ice is bad for your oral health. It causes you to bite down really hard, which puts excess pressure on your teeth. This can crack your teeth, damage any dental work that you have had done in the past, and splinter.If the ice splinters, it leaves you with sharp shards. Those shards can puncture your cheeks, slice open your gums, or hit the roof of your mouth. All of these are avoidable. If you want to chew on something when your drink is done, opt for a cold piece of fresh fruit instead. You give your mouth the health benefits of the fruit, plus you get the cold relief for your mouth. Plus, fruits also help to keep your mouth hydrated. One of the most avoidable problems that your mouth can encounter is the effects of chewing on ice. If you have been chewing on ice for some time, make sure you talk with your dentist about it. They can then take a look at your mouth and make sure there isn't any damage lingering in your mouth from when you did it. If there are cracks or chips in your mouth from past ice chewing, let your dentist help return your teeth to their optimal levels of health. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (206) 623-7783 today. |
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